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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Surfermums help get the dragon past the line

Surfing seems to have gone temporarily out the window. Today, some surfermums and I were involved in Dragon Boat racing! The beautiful Manning River was host to what looked like an interesting array of water dragons and also some lazy caterpillas demonstrating how ridiculous 20 adults can look when they don't follow the 'Stroke'! Fortunately, we were more of the dragon kind and managed to bring home the dragon sized trophy. Yes, Redhead Roar (once referred to over the PA system as Red whore in a Freudian slip) were the victors on the day just edging out MCW (sorry Jules) in a photo finish. Aah the sweet smell of success... our victory will be one for the ages. For tonight anyway.

Many thanks to Petr, our spunky Czech drummer at the front of the boat who kept our eyes up and our minds wandering... oh yes, and to all those other chaps that helped us out. Good job.
Apparently we missed some nice waves while we were inland. I hate when that happens.

Nevertheless, local surfermums will be looking forward to the coming weekend where we will be letting our hair down and escaping the family for two whole nights! Wine, cheese, chocolate and plenty of laughs are the usual order of proceedings, followed by more of the laughing the next morning when we realise we have been so long out of the water, we have forgotten how to surf. One poor wreck of a surfermum informed me recently she had not had a surf since Australia Day!! Nevermind. Not being very good at surfing has never stopped us from having a damn good (if funny looking) try. We have no shame. Its the only way to live.
P.S. Good on my lovely neighbours for having the vision to assemble the splendid and victorious dragon boat crew. Go the ROAR!

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, what a victory! Love the pictures - nice head :)
