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Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Little Master

Husband scored members tickets and took the family to Sydney on Friday to see Sachin Tendulkar get caught in the slips (not the petticoat kind ladies!) at the SCG. He didn't make his record breaking 100 100's - only got to 80 this time but that was good enough for us because then the action started, and the Indianswere all out before 4 o'clock!

Whoda thought Test cricket could be so exciting... What?! You don't look convinced.

Surferboy and his cousin recieved some words of wisdom from a NSW fast bowler who was training in the nets:
"Ever been to the SCG before?
This is where dreams start, boys."

Husband then went on to tell us how he once played school boy league at the SCG and went home and scraped the mud off his SCG boots to save for posterity. And where is this mud now? Who knows, he said.
Dreams indeed.

Check out Surferboy and his cousin under the Members Stand in the photo. Don't know who that guy up top is but he is giving us the surfer "hang loose" salute.



  1. Ha ha!! I love the comment under the members stand photo - unfortunately not Ben in person, perhaps it was his spirit - would've loved to have been at the cricket with Billy G!
