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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

What I did on the long weekend.

I have two words for you ladies.

Christian Grey.

My dealer met me at Blackhead Rd turnoff and we made the transaction. She had made the deal at Big W and, without raising suspicion managed to pass through the checkout with 3 copies of the sought after material for her cohorts.

I palmed her some cash and after she looked right and left to make sure no-one was watching, she passed me the parcel. "I got it cheaper than I thought", she said with a wink and gave me some change. Then she was off under the cover of Friday night dusk to deliver her booty and settle down to a weekend of Christian Grey.

If you are still not with me, then I know you have been living under a rock and I will put aside book 1 with your name on it for when I am finished (soon!).

Some time soon we should sit down and have a long discussion about the lack of romance in everyday life. And the solution! Christian Grey. Google it.

And reply to me. Are you reading it already? If not, get it at Big W. Cheapest thrill you'll get in a while ;)

SM P.S. Can't say much more. It's a family blog.
P.S.S. It's just a tree, that photo above.

Okay, okay. I'm talking about the latest in mummy porn - 50 Shades of Grey. Read it.

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