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Sunday, April 21, 2013

From Mullum to Blackie

Do you know about knitting graffiti?

It’s tagging in the same way that people “tag” trains and walls etc with spray paint, but these guys use knitting needles and brightly coloured wool. And it's just as illegal. Now, we are not talking about someone nailing a doily to a tree, we are talking about people speed crocheting it around the actual tree. Like someone knitting something onto you while you stand still. You can be arrested for doing this to a public object. This tree is at the entrance to the unique town of Mullumbimby on the beautiful north coast. These '"tags" are now part of police records. The CWA must be proud.

So Mullumbimby.

Spent the best part of the day on the road yesterday driving home only to sit and watch Surferboy have a late surf at Blackhead in the rain. He surfed into the night. I took photos, I waited in the car while the rain came down in sheets until I no longer had even the blurriest of vision, and then I had to flash my lights to get him out of the water in the end! I think he was grateful, he was smiling when he got out. Bless im.

Haven’t had a surf in a while (was a little bit big for me today, just quietly), so will be looking for some surfermums to come out with me when this swell settles down a little. There were plenty of surfers out at Blackie today and I noticed a couple of boards were broken in the heavy swell. Check out the unknown surfer below.


P.S. Anyone wanna learn ukelele? I'm gonna do a one day course in June. Guaranteed to learn 6 songs
before the day is out. Tempting huh? 

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